February Contest Results!

Hello young Wizards,
it's time to announce the winners of the February Contest! It took a little longer than expected to post the results as I had trouble with the internet in my dormitory and also the schedule of my University is awful, so my timing for anything is awful, as well. My apologies.

1st and 2nd place: Scot Hexeyes and Andrea Rainbowbloom

3rd and 4th place: Scarlet and Allan Shadowcaster

5th and 6th place: Sophia Lotusheart and Olivia Storm

The codes will be in the emails of the people who submitted the screenshot! Share them with your friend from the screenshot! Sharing is caring!

Happy Wizarding and be safe around the Spiral!

Wizard101 Worlds Comeback!

Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna

Hello young Wizards,
as you all may know I have been away for quite a while due to University reasons. As the semester is coming to an end I will have more time to focus on my blog and Wizard101 UK itself!

I am happy to be back. I am currently leveling through Polaris and so far I enjoy it, although there are lots of bugs and lag to be fixed, but I'll write a post about that after I finish it!

I wanted to inform you that I will be re-designing the blog a little bit. I will still be posting about Wizard101 UK, but I am going to make a twist, too. As you can see from the blogpost picture it has something to do with real life. I am going to add a new tab in my navigation bar called "My Corner". There, I will be posting from time to time about stuff that is going on in my life.

First, I made a blog called "Ernis in Vienna", but never got the chance to post there, because I was that busy. So, why not post here? My life is part of my World just like Wizard101. I am sure there are some of you that always wanted to see what goes "behind the scenes" of a fansite blogger. Are we the stereotype bloggers with funny glasses, pizza and coke on the table, writing posts in our pj-s or maybe something else?

I will also be posting about my University life, maybe sometimes pour out my feelings regarding my love life and my travels. My first post in that corner will be about Vienna, though.

More Features (which you might not like)

As a student I am mostly broke and try to save up money for the next month. Yes, I know there are people that have it worse, but for a student it is not easier either, especially if you move from the 2nd poorest country (Bosnia and Herzegowina - try speaking that out loud 3 times fast) in Europe to one of that requires a bigger budget (Austria). Because of that, I will add Ads on the blog, so I can try and make some profit out of my work. I hope you won't mind them and I hope you will continue supporting my site like before! I already googled around and I know that it won't be much, but as time goes by maybe my blog will grow, as I am thinking of expanding it!

As an IT student I will learn how to programm in the following semesters, so as time goes by, I might change my designs and add new features to the blog, new tabs - but there will still be Wizard101 UK content, as I do not intend to stop playing or writing about it anytime soon!

I am someone who likes fashion and a healthy lifestyle, so I might drop one or two fashion related posts, advices and tips about life. In general, this blog was like my Wizard101 diary and now I will be more open to You and tell you stuff from my real life, too!

ALSO, if someone is interested in writing columns/articles about their life or Wizard101 adventures, please let me know, as I might have a place for you here, too! Sharing is caring and I'd like to share My Corner with You!

If someone has read this until the very end, please let me know what you think about these changes and if they bother you, because your opinion is important to me! It's what will keep the blog going!

Happy Wizarding and be safe around the Spiral!